The 25-Lb Fat Loss Challenge Information


Thanks for participating in the FITera fat-loss challenge. To get started we just need a picture and a short video of some measurements, but don’t worry, we’ll make the steps really easy. You can do this by yourself, or for more fun get a friend to help. You will need:

  1. A smartphone or camera
  2. A way to measure your body fat, such as a scale with body fat percentage or measuring calipers
  3. A measuring tape

Step 1: Register for the Challenge

Registration for the challenge is $6.95. This covers administrative costs and ensures that everyone who completes the challenge & wins the prize. If you still need to register, click this registration link to go to the registration form.

Step 2: Take a ‘Before’ picture

Have someone take a photo of the front of you, and then also a side view – both from head to knees.

We suggest wearing a swimsuit or whatever shows a lot of your body, so you can really see the progress made. We’ll keep it 100% confidential and you’ll be so happy you did this once you have your amazing “after” photo next to it!

If possible, take your photo in front of a white or light-colored background, with lots of lighting from in front of you. If you’re doing this by yourself, use a large mirror.

Step 3: Take a video of your measurements

This video will record your waist and body fat measurements, so get your measuring tape and body fat measuring tool ready (scale or calipers). If you have a friend then they can record the video, or if you’re doing it by yourself then position the phone or camera so that you are in the shot. On a phone, using the front camera to see the shot on the screen works great.

First, take your measuring tape and measure your waist circumference around the largest part, typically just below the belly button. Hold the tape up to the camera so that the measurement is clear, and take note of the number. Next, measure your body fat. If you’re using a scale, zero it and step on, moving the camera to the scale to record the measurement, then note down the number. If you’re using calipers, we need a measurement from just above your right hip bone, called the suprailiac location. Follow the Caliper measuring instructions here and hold the measurement up to the camera. To calculate your body fat percentage using the measurements, refer to the chart that comes with your fat calipers.

Finally, to get your starting fat weight you just need to multiply your starting weight by your fat percentage:

Weight * body fat % = fat weight.

In a calculator, enter your starting weight, hit ‘multiply’, enter your fat percentage number (from the chart above), hit ‘percentage’, then hit ‘equals’.

For example: 200lbs * 30% = 60lbs fat weight.

Step 4: Upload

Follow this challenge upload page link to go to the upload page. Click the ‘Choose files’ button and select the picture and measurement video, then fill in your first/last name and email address. If you used the camera on your phone for the picture and video, then going to the upload page on your phone makes it easy to select the picture and video. If you used a camera, upload the picture and video to your computer and upload from there.

Step 5: Fill out the challenge form

To know that you’ve got started we need you to fill out a short form. Click on this: Start the Challenge! form link and tell us your name, email, starting fat weight, waist measurement and starting date.

That’s it! If you have any issues, we’ve provided answers to many common questions in the FAQs below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements? add

To participate in the challenge we just need a ‘before’ picture, and measurements of your waist and starting body fat recorded on a short video. When you complete the challenge, you’ll take these measurements again and record another video. Details of the instructions can be found above on this page.

What methods qualify for a body fat measurement? add

We typically recommend using measuring calipers or a scale that calculates bodyfat %, as these methods can be inexpensive and are widely available. However, we would also happily accept body fat measurements using other methods, such as:

  • Hydrostatic weighing method, which can often be administered at a local hospital, clinic, or university.
  • Using a bioelectrical impedance machine, which is essentially a professional version of a home bodyfat scale, and can be found at fitness centers or through personal trainers.
  • A Bodpod, otherwise known as an air displacement plethysmograph
  • A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) scan, which quickly tests each body part individually.
  • A 3D body scan that scans your body for measurements of various body parts and then tracks your body fat via a corresponding app.
When does my challenge begin? add

You can begin your challenge any time within 30 days of your registration. Your challenge does not start automatically when you initially register as participants often like to take some time to learn about our nutrition and activity recommendations before they begin, so that they’re fully prepared. To tell us that you’re getting started, go to this Start the Challenge! form link, provide your measurements and set your starting date.

How long do I have to reach my goal? add

You have 6 months to lose 25 lbs of body fat. This challenge is not a race! Decreasing body fat too quickly can be damaging to your body, and we do not recommend ‘crash diets’ or other methods of dramatically reducing body fat which may be unsafe. 6 months should be plenty of time to lose 25 lbs of fat in a steady, safe and sustainable way.

What if I don't lose 25 lbs within that time? add

We would love to hear from you regarding the obstacles you encountered during your challenge, and will happily help you give the challenge another try. Our personal coaching service can also be effective if you feel that you could benefit from 1-1 support and customized nutrition and exercise plans to match your specific needs. However, the challenge will run even if you do not lose 25 lbs of fat, so unfortunately we cannot issue refunds for your registration fee.

Can I register for this more than once? add

Please do, and we would be happy to provide advice for another try if you encountered obstacles previously. Just write a blog in the community and we’ll provide some feedback, and you’ll probably get lots of help and encouragement from the community members too. However, you cannot register more than once at the same time, i.e. you must complete one challenge before you start the next one.

Can i get a refund on my registration fee? add

Our job is to keep you motivated and provide some accountability as you work towards your health goals. Also, the work required to run your challenge will happen whether you participate fully or not. Therefore, we cannot provide refunds once you have registered for the challenge.

Does cumulative loss qualify? add

You need to complete your fat loss during the course of one challenge registration period. If you end a challenge and start another one you will need to submit your measurement video again, and the 25 lb loss will be based on your second measurements.

How will I receive my cash prize? add

After you complete the challenge, notify us that you have chosen the cash prize and we’ll contact you to arrange the payment. We can send the payment via Paypal, bank transfer or by paper check. We will confirm when the payment has been processed, then timelines for receiving the money will depend on the method chosen and your bank.